“CryptoLocker, a malicious ransomware, has emerged as a potent
threat to PCs around the globe.”
A malicious malware called CryptoLocker has become the scariest
threat to PC's around the world. A ransomware by its application and use,
CryptoLocker raked in around 5 million dollars in the last 4 months of 2013,
that earlier took nearly a year for cyber attackers to acquire.
Johannes B. Ullrich, chief research officer at the SANS
Institute stated that "A compromised personal computer for a botnet or
Distributed Denial of Service attack is worth about a buck to a byte
bandit." He added that cyber-criminals can easily make 100 dollars and
more with the ransomware.
Garth Bruen, a fellow with the Digital Citizens Alliance, a
consumer safety group focused on online crime, stated that the people selling
the software were the same people who infected the machine, which later came to
be known as ' scareware '.
What makes the malware different from other malicious software
is that it uses strong encryption. Files and documents on machines infected
with the Trojan are scrambled using AES 256-bit encryption. CryptoLocker holds
the victim's PC hostage till they pay a ransom amount.
Jarvis, of SecureWorks states that the CryptoLocker crew is
known for maintaining good customer relations. “They’re honoring people who do
pay the ransom. In most cases they’re sending the decryption keys back to the
computer once they receive payment successfully,” he explained. “We don’t know
what the percentage of people who successfully do that is, but we know it’s
part of their business model not to lie to people and not do it."
McAfee's latest report states that ransomware is becoming an increasing problem with
more number of incidents reported in the first half of 2013 than in all
previous periods combined. The 2013 Norton report
highlighted that India has emerged as the ransomware capital of Asia Pacific.
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