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HTML Basics-Workspace Setup

I‘m here to show you how to create webpages and sites using HTML5 and CSS. HTML is the markup language used to format and display contents for the web and is the basis for almost all content that we surf for our computer and mobile devices today.

HTML Basics-Workspace Setup

Now before we get started the first thing I want to do is to set up our workspace. I’ll be working here on a windows but will be using very basic tools to build our sites. So, you should be able to set your system up and follow along with me, no matter what operating system you are using.

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HTML Basics-HTML Tag Basics

Let’s take a look at how to make a tag inside of our webpage.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

HTML Basics-Formatting with HTML

Hello! In the last page we have seen what a tag is? Let’s go back to our page and let’s go over some rules that we need to understand when we are working with tags.

First, I think I need a little bit more text on the page to work with. So, I’ll put some loremipsum text in my file. Loremipsum is a nice place holder text that you can use, it’s Latin but, it looks like text in paragraphs, you can use it to simulate that. I’m gonna paste them in as three paragraphs.

my first <strong>web page</strong>.....!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque sem quam, vehicula vitae sagittis eget, ornare id mi. Ut eleifend facilisis quam, in luctus erat laoreet in. Sed nec magna diam, et egestas augue. In fermentum sagittis tellus, interdum scelerisque turpis commodo quis. Curabitur iaculis tempor mollis. 

Donec sed neque quis ligula ornare iaculis et eget urna. Nullam nec venenatis nisi. Sed tincidunt, elit facilisis lobortis congue, eros magna porttitor massa, non fermentum quam dolor quis risus. Nullam tortor augue, pretium eget scelerisque in, feugiat id metus. Vivamus nec felis lectus. 

Morbi volutpat vestibulum ligula, ut sodales urna suscipit non. Phasellus eu mauris massa, sit amet fermentum turpis. Vestibulum faucibus tincidunt orci vel tempor. Nullam dolor est, adipiscing et sagittis sed, tristique vitae tortor.

Now, without adding anything else, I’ll simply save my file and once again will go over to browser to preview it. Now hitting the refresh button, we see that the text was added to the page but, instead of seeing three nice paragraphs like we have added in our text file, we see all the text lumped together at the top.

This tells us one very important thing about working with HTML, and that is HTML will ignore what we call white space. We have spaces in between the paragraphs and texts and when the browser first loads an HTML page up, it looks at all the text and puts one space in between those text and puts one space between those text items, it don’t care anymore. 

In order to have different formatting we need to use tags. Now just to explore it a little bit further, I’ll add a few extra character returns to my file and will even go to the first two words in the paragraph and will add some space in between them. Let’s save our changes. We’ll go back to our browser and will take a look and you can see that there is no change whatsoever.

It’s completely ignoring the spaces and the character returns that we add to our text file. So, let’s go back over and add some tags to do the formatting for us. What I’m gonna do to set up these text blocks as paragraphs is, we’ll go to the beginning of each one of the paragraphs and I’ll add a paragraph tag which is simply the letter p. Now just like our strong tag, we need a closing paragraph tag at the end. So I’ll go and add a backslash p and I’ll copy those ones and will paste the paragraph tag at the beginning of each one of our paragraphs and the closing paragraph tag at the end. 

my first <strong>web page</strong>.....!


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque sem quam, vehicula vitae sagittis eget, ornare id mi. Ut eleifend facilisis quam, in luctus erat laoreet in. Sed nec magna diam, et egestas augue. In fermentum sagittis tellus, interdum scelerisque turpis commodo quis. Curabitur iaculis tempor mollis. 


Donec sed neque quis ligula ornare iaculis et eget urna. Nullam nec venenatis nisi. Sed tincidunt, elit facilisis lobortis congue, eros magna porttitor massa, non fermentum quam dolor quis risus. Nullam tortor augue, pretium eget scelerisque in, feugiat id metus. Vivamus nec felis lectus. 

Morbi volutpat vestibulum ligula, ut sodales urna suscipit non. Phasellus eu mauris massa, sit amet fermentum turpis. Vestibulum faucibus tincidunt orci vel tempor. Nullam dolor est, adipiscing et sagittis sed, tristique vitae tortor.

Now we have formatted our document using HTML tags instead of white spaces. Let’s save our changes and will go over preview our file.

Now you can see the formatting is looking a little bit more like what we intended. We can see that the paragraph tag added space between each one of these blocks of text making the page a lot easier to read.

Now we have seen a couple of tags. We want to go back to our document and let’s take a look, how multiple tags work together. You can imagine, we are going to be needing a lot of tags. So, what I want to talk about is referred to as nesting. I’ll start by adding one more tag to my first line, here I’ll go up to the space right in the front of letter ‘w’ and I’ll add an em tag spelled e-m and that’s short for emphasis. This tag will be rendered by most browsers by italicizing whatever text you put inside it, and now I’ll go to the end of the strong tag and that’s where I’m gonna place the end of the em tag, just like we do for other tags.

my first <strong><em>web page</strong></em>.....!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque sem quam, vehicula vitae sagittis eget, ornare id mi. Ut eleifend facilisis quam, in luctus erat laoreet in. Sed nec magna diam, et egestas augue. In fermentum sagittis tellus, interdum scelerisque turpis commodo quis. Curabitur iaculis tempor mollis.

Donec sed neque quis ligula ornare iaculis et eget urna. Nullam nec venenatis nisi. Sed tincidunt, elit facilisis lobortis congue, eros magna porttitor massa, non fermentum quam dolor quis risus. Nullam tortor augue, pretium eget scelerisque in, feugiat id metus. Vivamus nec felis lectus.


Morbi volutpat vestibulum ligula, ut sodales urna suscipit non. Phasellus eu mauris massa, sit amet fermentum turpis. Vestibulum faucibus tincidunt orci vel tempor. Nullam dolor est, adipiscing et sagittis sed, tristique vitae tortor.

Let’s save this and will go out and take a look at it on our page.

You can see that the phrase web page is indeed italicized.

But, what I would like to point out here, is that we have actually coded our page wrong; when we set up an element that starts inside of another element, we need to end that one inside as well and as you can see here, the end of the em tag is outside of the strong tag but, the beginning is inside of them. This considered, improperly nested. But, you must have noticed that, it still looks correct on the browser page. Today’s modern browsers are pretty smart they can figure out what you made by the code instead of what you said. But, we never want to rely on that. If you have improperly nested tags all over your page, at some point, some browsers can render it incorrectly and then you have to go and find the problem and fix it. So, it’s a very good idea to pay attention to nesting while you put the tags together. In this case I’ll correct our page by moving the end of the em tag inside the strong tag.

my first <strong><em>web page</em></strong>.....!

     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque sem quam, vehicula        vitae sagittis eget, ornare id mi. Ut eleifend facilisis quam, in luctus erat laoreet      in. Sed nec magna diam, et egestas augue. In fermentum sagittis tellus, interdum            scelerisque turpis commodo quis. Curabitur iaculis tempor mollis.

Donec sed neque quis ligula ornare iaculis et eget urna. Nullam nec venenatis nisi. Sed tincidunt, elit facilisis lobortis congue, eros magna porttitor massa, non fermentum quam dolor quis risus. Nullam tortor augue, pretium eget scelerisque in, feugiat id metus. Vivamus nec felis lectus.

Morbi volutpat vestibulum ligula, ut sodales urna suscipit non. Phasellus eu mauris massa, sit amet fermentum turpis. Vestibulum faucibus tincidunt orci vel tempor. Nullam dolor est, adipiscing et sagittis sed, tristique vitae tortor.

Now notice that I could have put the beginning tag outside and the end tag outside as well and would end up with the same thing. But, it’s important to realize that we do need to build our web pages correctly because browsers don’t give us error messages indicating what we have done wrong and that would lead us to big problem latter on.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

HTML Basics-HTML Tag Basics

Now so far my html document is really just using text. So, let’s see about adding some actual html to it. First of all we should talk about what html is? It stands for the Hyper Text Markup Language. Now the hypertext part is easy, it refers to the linking that we have from page to page in our sites, the markup language describes how we are going to be writing the code.

We are basically going to be taking normal text and marking it up with what we call tags. So, let’s take a look at how to make a tag inside of our webpage. I am going to put my cursor right in front of the word web and will add the enclosing brackets that we use for tags. That’s actually the character you might be familiar with for, greater than and less than symbols. I’ll use less than and greater than, they are right on top of comma and period keys on most keyboards and here they are acting like inclosing  brackets.

Each tag will have a name inside those brackets to determine what kind of formatting we are going to be doing. Now let’s try one out. I’m gonna use the strong tag. We use this tag to render text as bold in the document. 

Most tags like strong tag will actually be a pair of tags and I’ll put the second one by copying the strong tag and I’ll just paste it at the end of the word ‘page’. The pair of tags act as a beginning for the format and an end for the format. So, in this case the bold would start with the letter ‘w’ and end with the letter ‘e’. 

Now to have a proper ending tag we have a little bit different look to it. It has a backslash (/) before the name, and this is how most of our tags will look when we put them inside of our code. 

my first <strong> web page </strong>…..!

Let’s save our changes and I’ll go back to our page and refresh.

And now we can see that the phrase web page has been bolded by the browser because of the strong tag that we added in formatting. Now over-viewing the browser we can see that first of all we are not seeing that tags that we inserted into the text but, we’re seeing the effect of the tag because the phrase web page is now bolded on the page.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

HTML Basics-Workspace Setup

Now before we get started the first thing I want to do is to set up our workspace. I’ll be working here on a windows but will be using very basic tools to build our sites. So, you should be able to set your system up and follow along with me, no matter what operating system you are using.

Now first of all I have got the working files right here on my desktop. You can put them wherever you like, just make sure they are convenient and you can find them and inside this folder you can see that I have a folder for each one of the chapters and they contain the files that we will be using as we go through the lessons.

I’ll just let you know whenever I’m going to be opening up a file from here. Down at the bottom of the chapters I have a completed site sample folder and this folder contains a copy of the finished website that we are going to be building.

Now to build webpages we really only need two applications, we need a program to write and edit text files and we need a browser to preview them. Here I’ll be using the notepad for writing my files, now if you are using a mac you could chose to use text edit which is a very similar program and both of these programs actually come free with the operating system. For my preview browser I’ll be using firefox, you can chose whatever browser you want but firefox is also free for both the mac and pc platforms. Now we are ready to start our first web page. 

Let me add a little bit of text so that we have something to see on our page. 

I just put up here “my first web page…..!” and now let’s save our new html document.

Now in general we can use whatever name we want so, I’m gonna name this file first page, and we need to pay attention to the extension at the end of this file name, instead of using a txt extension I’m gonna either use htm or html extension. Now it doesn’t really matter which extension you choose. So we just save it in my chapter 1 folder so that I can find it. And now we have our first basic web page created. Let’s go see how it looks.

..........And there we see how our page looks !

HTML Basics-About this Course

Hi! I‘m Akash. I‘m here to show you how to create webpages and sites using HTML5 and CSS.

HTML is the markup language used to format and display contents for the web and is the basis for almost all content that we surf for our computer and mobile devices today. HTML5 is the newest version of HTML and it represents the newest features and improvements from HTML 4 and the other previous versions before it.

Today’s websites use a lot of different technologies to deliver the rich contents we see on the page. You could use JavaScript and jQuery for interactive and animated elements or PHP and ASP scripts for integrated data applications or you could add rich streaming media like audio or video. But, it’s important to know that all these technologies relay on and are built on top of a solid HTML and CSS foundation. So, learning this will set you up for whatever you want to do on the web.

This course will teach you how to use HTML5 and CSS3 to create web pages and whole sites. Each page in this series will teach you something new and step by step will build an actual website containing easy to read contents, pictures, images, videos and tables of data, menu bars active and links out to other pages and contact form, from scratch using only a text editor and a browser as our creation tools.

This set of lessons begins with the basics so, you don’t need to know anything about HTML and CSS to get started. Each element is explained using simple example so you can understand each element as we create it and then we will practice what we have learnt and build our own website project. We will be assembling it piece by piece as you work through the chapters. We will be covering every little detail of HTML coding, by the end of the series you should know more than enough to start creating website and exploring more on your own. As we go along, I’ll try to give you some advice about good web design and I’ll be adding some technical hints and tips that I have learnt in my own projects. 

So, let’s get started.

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